ISO14064 / ISO14067

Greenhouse gas emissions are one of the main drivers of climate change. The increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide strengthens the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to escalating global temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events, and rising sea levels. To address the challenges of climate change, the international community is actively promoting green, low-carbon development, enhancing greenhouse gas monitoring and management, advocating for the use of renewable energy, promoting energy conservation, emission reduction, and recycling, in an effort to alleviate the impacts of climate change.

EDAC POWER is deeply concerned about the issue of climate change and is actively committed to environmental protection and sustainable development. In our product design and manufacturing processes, we prioritize energy conservation, emission reduction, and resource recycling, promoting green production and environmentally friendly products. Additionally, we continuously invest in research and development, striving to develop more energy-saving and efficient products to achieve environmental protection and sustainable development goals.

EDAC POWER adheres to the concept of corporate sustainable operation and obtained ISO 14064 and ISO 14067 certification through third-party verification organizations in 2024. We utilize ISO 14064-1:2018 organizational greenhouse gas inventorying as a management tool for greenhouse gas emissions, covering our headquarters in Taiwan and all factories. We are committed to implementing effective emission reduction measures, including energy conservation, emission reduction, and efficient resource utilization, to minimize the negative environmental impact of company operations.

Furthermore, EDAC POWER has also obtained ISO 14067 carbon footprint certification through third-party verification organizations. We are dedicated to reducing carbon emissions throughout the product lifecycle, from the design stage and raw materials to manufacturing processes. Upholding environmentally friendly values, we actively take measures to reduce our carbon footprint. This certification not only strengthens our commitment to environmental protection but also reflects our responsibility to customers, society, and the planet.

Conflict-Free Minerals

Conflict minerals refer to tin (Sn), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), and gold (Au sourced from mines in conflict zones in the Democratic Republic of Congo or neighboring countries.

EDAC POWER pledges to adhere to the principle of conflict-free minerals, refraining from supporting or using metals derived from mining operations in conflict zones involving armed conflict, illegal practices, or poor environmental conditions. We ensure that the raw materials used in our products originate from legal, ethical, and conflict-free sources.

Through rigorous supply chain management and compliance with international standards, we ensure that all mineral procurement meets relevant legal and ethical requirements. We are committed to supporting peace, human rights, and sustainable development, meeting customers' demands for sustainable and ethically sourced products, and achieving mutually beneficial development. This commitment reflects EDAC POWER's corporate responsibility and social mission, while also providing customers with products they can trust.

Sedex(Social Responsibility)

Corporate sustainability and social responsibility have become crucial issues in business operations today. With global environmental problems worsening, society's expectations of businesses are increasing. Various well-known industries have established their own industry codes of conduct, requiring suppliers to undergo factory inspections to safeguard the brand image.

Comprehensively, the Code of Conduct includes labor rights, working hours, occupational safety and health, professional ethics, and so on. EDACPOWER obtained Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) qualification verification through TUV Rheinland in August 2019. For relevant audit reports, please refer to the link below.

Looking ahead, EDAC POWER actively responds to issues such as globalization, employment and economic growth, education quality, and climate action. We continually internalize the concept of sustainable development into our organizational strategies and systems, and actively promote and implement corporate social responsibility in various fields of economy, society, and environment.

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